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Weight Loss & Wellness Kit - $129
Complete Top10

This program covers vital nutrition, specific 8-minute workouts, and 8 other key areas to better your health. You will naturally lose weight, get in shape and achieve greater fitness. Consistency and keeping yourself motivated is key to get the best results, physically. That's why using the Success and Happiness Program, will help you as much as using the Fitness Program. This kit includes all three programs-Top10 Body for Fitness, Top10 Mind for Success, and Top10 Spirit for Happiness.


*This is the same program as the Life Improvement Kit below.

Complete Top10
Weight Loss & Wellness Kit - $129
Complete Top10
Life Improvement Kit - $129

Life improvement can be achieved in 3 ways-physically (through better health), mentally (through personal success) and spiritually (through greater happiness and inner peace). This system is also super easy to use and remember. This kit will answer these 3 important questions...What do the healthiest people in the world do? How do the most successful people think? And what do the happiest people in the world know? The kit includes all three programs-Top10 Body for Fitness, Top10 Mind for Success, and Top10 Spirit for Happiness.


*This is the same program as the Weight Loss and Wellness Kit above.

Top10 Body-Fitness Program - $49

Achieve life-long health and wellness in the easiest, simplest, yet most effective way. This program covers vital nutrition, specific 8-minute workouts, and 8 other key areas to optimize your health. You will naturally lose weight, get in shape and achieve greater fitness. This program answers the question..."What do the healthiest people in the world do?" 

Top10 Body-Fitness Program - $49
Top10 Mind-Success Program - $49

Become successful on a personal level first, and then bring that success to all other areas of life...relationships, career, finances, health, etc. By understanding how your mind and your ego work, you understand how to stop sabotaging yourself from achieving success in any area of your life. This program answers the question..."How do the most successful people in the world think?"

Top10 Spirit-Happiness Program - $49

Be comfortable in your own skin by truly being yourself and not what you think the world wants you to be. Once you understand how the mind works, then you can let go of the past and be the person everyone loves you to be-YOU! No one's better at it than you. This program answers the question..."What do the happiest people in the world know?" 

Top10 Body-Fitness Video and Audio - $30
​Top10 Body-Fitness Journal - $25
Top10 Mind-Success Video and Audio - $30
Top10 Mind-Success Journal - $25
Top10 Spirit-Happiness Video and Audio - $30
Top10 Spirit-Happiness Journal - $25
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